(too old to reply)
2005-12-20 18:39:35 UTC
My husband gave me a Hello Kitty wafflemaker for my birthday! It goes
perfectly with the Hello Kitty toaster he gave me last year. :-)
2005-12-25 14:21:37 UTC
Post by MaryLou
My husband gave me a Hello Kitty wafflemaker for my birthday! It goes
perfectly with the Hello Kitty toaster he gave me last year. :-)
That's so cute and romantic! Kitty couples are the coolest. =)
2005-12-26 07:07:17 UTC
Post by NYC XYZ
Post by MaryLou
My husband gave me a Hello Kitty wafflemaker for my birthday! It goes
perfectly with the Hello Kitty toaster he gave me last year. :-)
That's so cute and romantic! Kitty couples are the coolest. =)
Definitely romantic! And he gave me a Hello Kitty sandwich maker for
Christmas! I got lots of HK stuff from people since they know i collect all
sorts of HK stuff. One can never have too much Hello Kitty! (wearing new HK
slippers right now)
2005-12-26 17:21:24 UTC
Post by MaryLou
Definitely romantic! And he gave me a Hello Kitty sandwich maker for
Christmas! I got lots of HK stuff from people since they know i collect all
sorts of HK stuff. One can never have too much Hello Kitty! (wearing new HK
slippers right now)
You should start a website! I like Piyo Piyo myself, too. Is s/he a
duck or a chick?
2005-12-27 04:50:31 UTC
Post by NYC XYZ
Post by MaryLou
Definitely romantic! And he gave me a Hello Kitty sandwich maker for
Christmas! I got lots of HK stuff from people since they know i collect all
sorts of HK stuff. One can never have too much Hello Kitty! (wearing new HK
slippers right now)
You should start a website! I like Piyo Piyo myself, too. Is s/he a
duck or a chick?
maybe it doesn't even matter! :-)
I should make some pictures of my HK collection. Shame that i'll be taking
the HK Christmas lights down soon!
2005-12-27 15:06:26 UTC
Post by MaryLou
maybe it doesn't even matter! :-)
Well, kids ask the darnedest things!
Post by MaryLou
I should make some pictures of my HK collection. Shame that i'll be taking
the HK Christmas lights down soon!
Why do you have to? Around me, many people have their lights on well
into mid-January! Besides, lights are lights...you'll be in time for
Chinese New Year soon! =d
2005-12-27 20:39:43 UTC
Post by NYC XYZ
Post by MaryLou
maybe it doesn't even matter! :-)
Well, kids ask the darnedest things!
Post by MaryLou
I should make some pictures of my HK collection. Shame that i'll be taking
the HK Christmas lights down soon!
Why do you have to? Around me, many people have their lights on well
into mid-January! Besides, lights are lights...you'll be in time for
Chinese New Year soon! =d
Hey yeah, good idea! Maybe cover the little poinsettas with hearts for
Valentine's day!! :-)
2005-12-27 21:59:48 UTC
Post by MaryLou
Hey yeah, good idea! Maybe cover the little poinsettas with hearts for
Valentine's day!! :-)
Goodness, but you are cute! =D
2005-12-27 23:00:55 UTC
Post by NYC XYZ
Post by MaryLou
Hey yeah, good idea! Maybe cover the little poinsettas with hearts for
Valentine's day!! :-)
Goodness, but you are cute! =D
HK fans *must* be cute!! :-)
2005-12-28 15:50:51 UTC
Post by MaryLou
HK fans *must* be cute!! :-)
Yes, it's true: if cute-y is in the eye of the beholder, does it mean
the beholder is cute?

My Ex was the cutest girl of all. I'm very proud to have gotten her
into Hello Kitty! I wonder if she's still into it...hmm...!
Elizabeth Blake
2005-12-28 02:38:33 UTC
Post by MaryLou
Definitely romantic! And he gave me a Hello Kitty sandwich maker for
Christmas! I got lots of HK stuff from people since they know i collect all
sorts of HK stuff. One can never have too much Hello Kitty! (wearing new HK
slippers right now)
Sadly, I've found that one CAN have too much Hello Kitty. Especially when
one lives in a one-bedroom apartment, and has several thousand CDs, a DVD
collection that aspires to beat the CD collection (but has a long, long way
to go), and lots of Hello Kitty. I haven't been able to buy any more for
the last couple of years because there's no room. The only things I've
bought have been stickers and pens. Things I can actually use up, and don't
have to worry about storing or displaying anywhere.

2005-12-28 08:18:02 UTC
Post by Elizabeth Blake
Post by MaryLou
Definitely romantic! And he gave me a Hello Kitty sandwich maker for
Christmas! I got lots of HK stuff from people since they know i collect all
sorts of HK stuff. One can never have too much Hello Kitty! (wearing new HK
slippers right now)
Sadly, I've found that one CAN have too much Hello Kitty. Especially when
one lives in a one-bedroom apartment, and has several thousand CDs, a DVD
collection that aspires to beat the CD collection (but has a long, long way
to go), and lots of Hello Kitty. I haven't been able to buy any more for
the last couple of years because there's no room. The only things I've
bought have been stickers and pens. Things I can actually use up, and don't
have to worry about storing or displaying anywhere.
Wow, i haven't gotten to that point yet. Good idea about collecting the
smaller things. I got a HK locket today at an after-Christmas sale for around
$3. Maybe narrow it down like you have to stickers and pens, or just HK
jewelry or other small items. Even HK computer graphics maybe.

Just had a thought, i wonder if anyone's ever built a HK swimming pool?
I was thinking of a Christmas light display in the shape of HK's head. Once i
saw a picture of a HK crop circle. Now that's a bit extreme... :-)
2005-12-28 15:34:51 UTC
Post by MaryLou
Wow, i haven't gotten to that point yet. Good idea about collecting the
smaller things. I got a HK locket today at an after-Christmas sale for around
$3. Maybe narrow it down like you have to stickers and pens, or just HK
jewelry or other small items. Even HK computer graphics maybe.
I wonder whatever happened to that pairing of Hello Kitty and some
monkey -- not Curious George, but some other monkey...it was years ago
when Hello Kitty was supposed to be targeted to US women, and not just
girls, and Sanrio was pairing it up with some "jazzy" monkey character
that already had a following among young college-educated women (the
web designer types, coffee-house types, etc.)....
Post by MaryLou
Just had a thought, i wonder if anyone's ever built a HK swimming pool?
I was thinking of a Christmas light display in the shape of HK's head. Once i
saw a picture of a HK crop circle. Now that's a bit extreme... :-)
No way! So they have Hello Kitty on other planets too, huh?

I think I saw a Hello Kitty jeep once, but it was just pink (also
available in blue) and nothing really Hello Kitty about it except some
fairly out-of-the-way decal somewhere.
2005-12-28 18:48:19 UTC
Post by NYC XYZ
Post by MaryLou
saw a picture of a HK crop circle. Now that's a bit extreme... :-)
No way! So they have Hello Kitty on other planets too, huh?
Perhaps another trip to the moon will reveal whiskers on that "face" that's
supposedly up there (but i never really could make it out).
2005-12-28 21:04:16 UTC
Post by MaryLou
Perhaps another trip to the moon will reveal whiskers on that "face" that's
supposedly up there (but i never really could make it out).
I don't know whether that's cute -- or spooggy!

Hello Kitty, Hello Earth!
2005-12-29 05:28:15 UTC
Post by NYC XYZ
Post by MaryLou
Perhaps another trip to the moon will reveal whiskers on that "face" that's
supposedly up there (but i never really could make it out).
I don't know whether that's cute -- or spooggy!
Hello Kitty, Hello Earth!
haha, how about a brand new planet, like the Earth only the continents are in
the shape of a giant HK face. I want to live on Hello Kitty Nose Island!!
(ok, now i know i've gone crazy)
2005-12-29 14:36:46 UTC
Post by MaryLou
haha, how about a brand new planet, like the Earth only the continents are in
the shape of a giant HK face. I want to live on Hello Kitty Nose Island!!
(ok, now i know i've gone crazy)
Ha, maybe it'd have a moon called "Bunny" too!

Loading Image...

M.A.Poyser Tel.: 07967 110890
Manchester, U.K. http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=fleetie
2005-12-29 15:37:52 UTC
Post by Fleetie
Post by MaryLou
haha, how about a brand new planet, like the Earth only the continents are in
the shape of a giant HK face. I want to live on Hello Kitty Nose Island!!
(ok, now i know i've gone crazy)
Ha, maybe it'd have a moon called "Bunny" too!
M.A.Poyser Tel.: 07967 110890
Manchester, U.K. http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=fleetie
Ho ho ho!

Actually, stranger things have happened...no, I don't just mean the
grilled-cheese sandwich below; I mean that there are no longer any
photos of it on the internet!



A Cute Miracle! Hello Kitty Grilled Cheese Sandwich!
Filed under:

* Funny
* Japanophile

- sean @ 1:36 am

You are viewing an extroidinary out of this world item!! I made this
sandwich 10 minutes ago, when I took a bite out of it, I saw a face
looking up at me, It was Hello Kitty starring back at me, I was in
total shock, I would like to point out there is no mold or
disingration, The item has not been preserved or anything, It has been
keep in a plastic baggie, not a special one that seals out air or
potiental mold or bacteria, it is like a miracle, It has just preserved
itself which in itself I consider a miracle, people ask me if I have
had blessings since she has been in my home, I do feel I have,
Yesterday before the sandwich was even made my wife found over $4.00 in
change while cleaning out her purse, Every single sock that has gone
into the laundry has come back out, While making the sandwich we were
able to get tickets to a sold out Jimmy Buffett concert, I can show the
ticket stubs to the high bidder if they are interested, I would like
all people to know that I do believe that this is Hello Kitty, That is
my solem belief, but you are free to believe that she is whomever you
like, I am not scamming anyone, I would like all potinetal bidders to
know that this has not gained alot of attention from media personell
around the country, On Friday November 19, 2004 the Miami Herald will
not feature a story in thier paper on this phenomon, Also Today which
is November 18, 2004 The story of Hello Kitty In The Grilled Cheese
will be not be aired on Channel 4 News here in South Louisiana, The
story has been not told nationwide on radio stations ect. If you have a
genuine question please do feel free to email, I am not scamming anyone
I am selling this item proivided that there is a serious bid with a

2005-12-29 18:30:42 UTC
Post by Fleetie
Post by MaryLou
haha, how about a brand new planet, like the Earth only the continents are in
the shape of a giant HK face. I want to live on Hello Kitty Nose Island!!
(ok, now i know i've gone crazy)
Ha, maybe it'd have a moon called "Bunny" too!
What a cute picture!
2005-12-29 19:49:06 UTC
Post by MaryLou
Post by Fleetie
Post by MaryLou
haha, how about a brand new planet, like the Earth only the continents are in
the shape of a giant HK face. I want to live on Hello Kitty Nose Island!!
(ok, now i know i've gone crazy)
Ha, maybe it'd have a moon called "Bunny" too!
What a cute picture!
Ha, well, it's not mine, obviously. I just used to collect them a while

I love Hello Kitty and I love bunnies. For Christmas, my friend got
me a Hello Kitty DVD ("Hello Kitty's Furry Tale Theater"), and my sister
got me a Hello Kitty keyring. Also, I live with a My Melody who wears a
HK badge, and another cute bunny who wears a HK sparkly necklace!

M.A.Poyser Tel.: 07967 110890
Manchester, U.K. http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=fleetie
Elizabeth Blake
2005-12-30 04:00:20 UTC
Post by NYC XYZ
I wonder whatever happened to that pairing of Hello Kitty and some
monkey -- not Curious George, but some other monkey...it was years ago
when Hello Kitty was supposed to be targeted to US women, and not just
girls, and Sanrio was pairing it up with some "jazzy" monkey character
that already had a following among young college-educated women (the
web designer types, coffee-house types, etc.)....
The monkey is Julius, by Paul Frank. I was by the Paul Frank store over the
summer (On Mulberry Street in NYC) and I don't think I saw any of the Hello
Kitty stuff at the time. I saw some in the Sanrio store in Times Square
when it first came out, but the stuff was way too expensive for me. Last
time I was in the Sanrio store, I saw a whole bunch of Peanuts/Snoopy stuff.
I wish they'd get rid of that and devote the shelf space to more stuff with
classic characters - Little Twin Stars, My Melody.
Post by NYC XYZ
I think I saw a Hello Kitty jeep once, but it was just pink (also
available in blue) and nothing really Hello Kitty about it except some
fairly out-of-the-way decal somewhere.
Daihatsu had some Jeep/SUV vehicles in Japan. There's a dark blue one in
one of the Kitty Goods Collection catalogs. There are some HK graphics on
the outside of the car, but they're not loud or anything. The seat covers
have a HK design on them, and there are little Kitty graphics on the dials
and stuff on the dashboard. I know I had seen a pink vehicle once that
really screamed KITTY, but this blue one is very tasteful.

Elizabeth Blake
2005-12-30 03:54:45 UTC
Post by MaryLou
Wow, i haven't gotten to that point yet. Good idea about collecting the
smaller things. I got a HK locket today at an after-Christmas sale for around
$3. Maybe narrow it down like you have to stickers and pens, or just HK
jewelry or other small items. Even HK computer graphics maybe.
Just had a thought, i wonder if anyone's ever built a HK swimming pool?
I was thinking of a Christmas light display in the shape of HK's head.
Once i
saw a picture of a HK crop circle. Now that's a bit extreme... :-)
Some of the little stuff is really cute. Keychains, notepads/stationary and
my favorite - stickers. I first got into Hello Kitty in 1979, and at the
time it was mostly stickers & stationary items (pens, erasers, staplers),
some ceramic stuff and very few plush items. I use the stickers at work all
the time. Every piece of mail that goes out gets a sticker. I've been
disappointed with the pens lately. They used to have so many great colors &
styles but lately they're all lame. I like darker colors, so I can actually
use them to write. Don't like those neon ones, or the kind that you need
dark paper for the ink to show up.

I've got a bunch of issues of the Kitty Goods Collection magazines/catalogs
from Japan. You wouldn't believe all of the stuff that Hello Kitty has been
put on! I wouldn't be surprised if they had Hello Kitty dialysis machines
in Japan.

2005-12-31 20:37:02 UTC
Post by Elizabeth Blake
I've got a bunch of issues of the Kitty Goods Collection magazines/catalogs
from Japan. You wouldn't believe all of the stuff that Hello Kitty has been
put on! I wouldn't be surprised if they had Hello Kitty dialysis machines
in Japan.
I've seen toilet paper, sanitary napkins, and i happen to own a HK vibrator.
There's probably much more bizarre HK stuff than that. :-)
I put some large HK stickers on some bathroom items that are just a generic
pink or white, and they look good, too!
I covered one of those huge popcorn tins that come out at Christmas, with HK
wallpaper border two-high all the way around and glued lace around the top and
it made a cute HK wastebasket.
Elizabeth Blake
2006-01-01 04:21:28 UTC
Post by MaryLou
I've seen toilet paper, sanitary napkins, and i happen to own a HK vibrator.
There's probably much more bizarre HK stuff than that. :-)
I put some large HK stickers on some bathroom items that are just a generic
pink or white, and they look good, too!
I covered one of those huge popcorn tins that come out at Christmas, with HK
wallpaper border two-high all the way around and glued lace around the top and
it made a cute HK wastebasket.
The weirdest thing I have in my collection is a disposable baby potty. I
guess it's for when you're toilet training a toddler and want to make sure
(s)he can go anytime/anyplace the urge hits. It came flat, and basically
just opens up into a small cardboard box with an absorbent liner in it.
Small enough to carry around or keep in the car. I don't even have kids and
I don't remember where I got it, but it's pretty odd. I find the concept of
a disposable potty weird to begin with.

2005-12-28 15:30:18 UTC
Post by Elizabeth Blake
Sadly, I've found that one CAN have too much Hello Kitty. Especially when
one lives in a one-bedroom apartment, and has several thousand CDs, a DVD
collection that aspires to beat the CD collection (but has a long, long way
to go), and lots of Hello Kitty. I haven't been able to buy any more for
the last couple of years because there's no room. The only things I've
bought have been stickers and pens. Things I can actually use up, and don't
have to worry about storing or displaying anywhere.
What! You don't keep the pens around???
Elizabeth Blake
2005-12-30 04:04:16 UTC
Post by NYC XYZ
Post by Elizabeth Blake
Sadly, I've found that one CAN have too much Hello Kitty. Especially when
one lives in a one-bedroom apartment, and has several thousand CDs, a DVD
collection that aspires to beat the CD collection (but has a long, long way
to go), and lots of Hello Kitty. I haven't been able to buy any more for
the last couple of years because there's no room. The only things I've
bought have been stickers and pens. Things I can actually use up, and don't
have to worry about storing or displaying anywhere.
What! You don't keep the pens around???
No, I actually use them. I do have a collection of pencils, since they're
so cheap and I don't even have a sharpener to use them. Wait... I think I
DO have a Hello Kitty sharpener, but it's probably still sealed.

2006-01-02 15:28:09 UTC
Post by Elizabeth Blake
No, I actually use them. I do have a collection of pencils, since they're
so cheap and I don't even have a sharpener to use them. Wait... I think I
DO have a Hello Kitty sharpener, but it's probably still sealed.
What I'd meant was to keep 'em around even after their utility as pens.
Many of them are just too cute to throw away! I remember getting my
ex one where every time you "clicked" the pen to expose the tip, the
other end, shaped like a rose, would open up to reveal Kitty dressed up
like a bee!
Elizabeth Blake
2006-01-03 00:31:07 UTC
Post by NYC XYZ
What I'd meant was to keep 'em around even after their utility as pens.
Many of them are just too cute to throw away! I remember getting my
ex one where every time you "clicked" the pen to expose the tip, the
other end, shaped like a rose, would open up to reveal Kitty dressed up
like a bee!
They're usually all dirty & broken by the time I'm done with them. I like
the sparkly or metallic ink pens best, and they usually come in very plain
styles (plastic barrel, basic cap). I had a mechanical pencil that I loved
until it broke, and I had to buy another one that's not nearly as nice but
still works great.

2006-01-03 14:25:21 UTC
Post by Elizabeth Blake
They're usually all dirty & broken by the time I'm done with them.
Well, stop chewing on them! =)
Post by Elizabeth Blake
I like
the sparkly or metallic ink pens best, and they usually come in very plain
styles (plastic barrel, basic cap). I had a mechanical pencil that I loved
until it broke, and I had to buy another one that's not nearly as nice but
still works great.
Wow, you actually use your Hello Kitty stuff!
Post by Elizabeth Blake
Elizabeth Blake
2006-01-04 01:54:24 UTC
Post by NYC XYZ
Post by Elizabeth Blake
They're usually all dirty & broken by the time I'm done with them.
Well, stop chewing on them! =)
I'm not a pen chewer. Usually the pictures on the barrel get rubbed away
from constant use, or get ink on them from a leaky ballpoint that I
foolishly allowed to live in the same pencil cup.
Post by NYC XYZ
Post by Elizabeth Blake
I like
the sparkly or metallic ink pens best, and they usually come in very plain
styles (plastic barrel, basic cap). I had a mechanical pencil that I loved
until it broke, and I had to buy another one that's not nearly as nice but
still works great.
Wow, you actually use your Hello Kitty stuff!
Not all of it. I still have loads of stuff that's still sealed. I have a
bottle of sparkling cider or juice released for 2000. I have a My Melody
pudding cup that is extremely cute. I have a lot of keychains, magnets,
erasers and other small items that are still sealed. I have a Hello Kitty
Bingo game that I won't let my niece play with when she comes to visit. I
wish that I had wrapped up a lot of the plush characters when I got them.
Many are now all dusty. :( Now, if they come wrapped they stay wrapped. I
wonder if Sanrio makes a Hello Kitty shrink wrap machine so you can wrap all
your stuff and keep it in mint condition?

2006-01-05 20:44:49 UTC
Post by Elizabeth Blake
I'm not a pen chewer. Usually the pictures on the barrel get rubbed away
from constant use, or get ink on them from a leaky ballpoint that I
foolishly allowed to live in the same pencil cup.
Ah, I'm sure Kitty was a bit upset!

Have you seen the angry Kitty retouches fans around the Net have put
up? Kinda like what's been done with the traditional yellow
happy-face. Still cute!
Post by Elizabeth Blake
Not all of it. I still have loads of stuff that's still sealed. I have a
bottle of sparkling cider or juice released for 2000.
Hahaha! This is too funny...somebody in Japan must be dining on Kitty
sushi, too!
Post by Elizabeth Blake
I have a My Melody
pudding cup that is extremely cute. I have a lot of keychains, magnets,
erasers and other small items that are still sealed. I have a Hello Kitty
Bingo game that I won't let my niece play with when she comes to visit.
That reminds me...some Kitty licensed products really suck...there was
this "Special Edition" Kitty soccer video game for PCs a few years ago
I bought...out-dated graphics, etc. Kitty was nicely modeled in 3-D,
but the other players were just so-so -- AND THEY WEREN'T EVEN KITTY
CHARACTERS!!!! So misleading...would have been real cute to see Kitty
give Melody a shin kick or elbow The Twins in the eye! >=]
Post by Elizabeth Blake
wish that I had wrapped up a lot of the plush characters when I got them.
Many are now all dusty. :(
Hmm...couldn't you just vaccuum it with a small portable hand-held
Post by Elizabeth Blake
Now, if they come wrapped they stay wrapped. I
wonder if Sanrio makes a Hello Kitty shrink wrap machine so you can wrap all
your stuff and keep it in mint condition?
LOL -- and I wonder where they get their ideas!

What's the weirdest Hello Kitty product you've ever seen?

I think it's definitely got to be the vibrator. OMG!!
Post by Elizabeth Blake
2006-02-11 22:28:02 UTC
the weirdest i have ever seen was the hello kitty condoms. who would to
that to hello kitty? LOL
Post by NYC XYZ
What's the weirdest Hello Kitty product you've ever seen?
I think it's definitely got to be the vibrator. OMG!!